Crossfire nano with tbs unify pro32 nano. 2 0 1 8 1 2 0 5 quickstart guide th e cr o ssf i r e di ve r s i t y na n o r x i s t h e tb s cr o ssf i r e di ve r s i t y 8 c h r x i n a n a n o p a c k a ge.
Tbs Crossfire Crsf Protokoll With Betaflight English
Tbs nano rx wiring diagram. The tbs crossfire diversity nano receiver is a compact rc receiver with 8ch outputs ppm sbus and crsf capable with best in industry noise rejection and record breaking range capability. Crossfire nano rx connection diagram. White wire from the vtx rx to channel 4 on the crossfire nano. Green wire from the vtx tx to channel 3 on the crossfire nano. Yellow wire the video source for your vtx usually on the flight controller sometimes a direct feed to. It is the only receiver to provide a true dual input stage chip based diversity with the usual filtering and noise rejection from onboard video systems.
With the tbs crossfire nano rx we condense 2 years of engineering experience listening to our customer requirements and pushing ourselves to the maximum or in this case the minimum. Tbs crossfire diversity nano rx l a s t r e v. The end result is a full range receiver at the smallest size of any receiver in the industry yes its smaller than the xm. The 7 wires from the tbs unify pro 32 nano are as followed. Tbs crossfire micro receiver v2 wiring to fc. 1 in 1 posts likes given.
08 aug 2019 0431 pm. Quick start guide tbs crossfire nano rx revision 2018 02 16 th e cr o ssf i r e na n o r x h a s m u c h o f t h e s a m e f e a t u r e s e t a s t h e tb s cr o ssf i r e mi c r o r x b u t o n a s m a l l e r f o r m f a c t o r a n d wi t h o u t c o n n e c t o r s. How to connect tbs crossfire nano rx to flycolor x tower f4 fc. 223 58ghz 40mm 16000kv backup betaflight blheli blheli32 bootloader comparison crossfire crossfire nano dvr eachine fatshark firmware goggles goprokiller happymodel hawkeye firefly hd recording mobula7 motor motor direction open opentx osd qx7 rapidfire receiver rx rx module smart audio solder taranis tbs tbs fusion uart unify pro32 nano.