Articles in this section. Quiq icon wiring pinout supervisor december 27 2019 2220.
70b9 Quiq Battery Charger Wiring Diagram Wiring Resources
Quiq battery charger wiring diagram. See attached document for wiring and pinout information for the quiq and the quiq dci icon. All of delta qs quiq chargers are not the same because delta q manufactures chargers specifically for numerous manufacturers of dc power vehicles and equipment. Remove positive lead from positive terminal on the battery pack. The series consists of 24 volt 36 volt 48 volt and 72 volt battery chargers. Quiq series battery charger. All the wiring coming of the charger is the same and not necessarily used or needed.
How to easily remove the dc cover on the ic650. Delta q quiq programmer ct installation and charge profile support. All of delta qs quiq chargers are not the same because delta q manufactures chargers specifically for. Quiq industrial battery charger product manual for global electric motorcars gem product manual. High battery voltage could also occur if. The 912 series consists of 24 volt 36 volt 48 volt and 72 volt battery chargers.
Check for wiring errors. For use in utility vehicles electric vehicles fork lifts etc. Delta q quiq 1000 product manual industrial battery chargers for motive applications. Quiq chargers are reprogrammable using the quiq programmer supplied by delta q to its oem partners. Ic series industrial battery chargers product manual videos video. Icon pinouts for charger and dcipdf 600 kb share this.
All the wiring coming of the charger is the same and not necessarily used or needed. Pre 2006 quiq chargers with serial number prefix dqcp allow pre loaded profiles to be selected but cannot be reprogrammed with new profiles.