Hi arjan looks like your mosfet is fried and damaged the pcb but all might not be lost. Filament runout.
Mks Gen L 1 0
Mks gen l v1 0 wiring diagram. Whenever i bought it i thought press j to jump to the feed. The mks gen l and the skr v13. Mks gen can use extthermocouple 10 the same as ramps14 by aux 1 mks bt mks cd extra motor driver. Use the ramps 14 digital input 4 on the servos connector define filrunoutpin 11 in the configh file it specifies the following. You only need connect smart controllers exp1 to mks gens exp1smart controllers exp2 to mks gens exp2. In marlin the code refers the pin out to the ramps board pinout which specifies the following.
You have two options the first is to desolder the old mosfet from the board and replace it with a new one but seeing the damage to the heat sink pad it might not be worth it. Mks sgenl is a powerful 32 bit 3d printer control board with lpc1768. Wiring the makerbase mks gen l v10 board flsun kossel delta 07 17 2017 0940 pm. This is a brief tutorial on how to install and load marlin firmware on the mks gen l v10 one time tips you can paypal me. Jeffe3d in reply to vinos88. Hi folks i am looking for the pcb schematic including the wiring and circuit design of the mks genl v10 board.
Ho we ve r. Hi guys i was hoping to get a little assistance trying to set up the filament sensor. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is the board that came with my flsun kossel delta linear version 3d printer kit. The motherboard integrates spi uart interface and works with mks tmc2130tmc2208 v20tmc2209. No soldering or flying lead is required.
Mks gen l v10 tmc2130 drivers wiring for spi and sensor less homing x dia g n o stics y dia g n o stics x cs y cs z cs s d o s c k s d i s s gnd d6 3 d4 0 d4 2 d6 5 5 v d5 9 d6 4 d4 4 d6 6 d4 9 d5 1 d5 3 nc 5 v d5 0 d5 2 gnd aux 2 aux 3 e 0 c s 2. This video provides a step by step guide to fitting them to the two most popular mainboards. It covers specifications firmware changes vref wiring and jumper. Now there are two fans that connect to a top acrylic plate that mounts to this board and two more fans that connect to the extruder and i am confused on where. Define digital pin 4 for the filament runout sensor. Mks gen can connect sdramps the same as ramps14 use aux 3 thermocouple ad597.
By d e fa u lt ma rlin u se s p ins d5 3 a n d d4 9 for x cs a n d y cs. It can be used after plugged in.